Vendor Bill Payments
Vendor bill payment is a record of a paid invoice.
Data Model
Field | Type | Description | Example data |
id | string | Unique Identifier for each sales bill payment. | 2315638 |
metaId | string | Another identifier for the bill payment or its Id in its origin data source (when it comes from an integration). | bl_5WL89PUz7 |
date | string | Bill payment date . | 2022-02-02T14:13:53.644Z |
amount | string | Bill amount. | 399.99 |
currencyId | string | Currency Id of this payment. | 3168 |
metaCurrencyId | string | Currency Id of this payment in its origin data source (when it comes from an integration). | EUR |
accountId | string | Account Id linked to this payment. | 236874 |
metaAccountId | string | Another identifier for the account linked to this payment or the id in its origin data source (when it comes from an integration). | acc_24425 |
cac | boolean | Indicates whether this invoice is included in the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) metrics or not. | false (not included) true (included) |
cacUpdated | boolean | Indicates whether the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) metrics concerning this invoice are updated or not. | false (not updated) true (updated) |
status | string | Payment status (succeeded or failed, for example) | Paid |
description | string | Payment description. | |
supplierId | string | Supplier (vendor) id. | 259841 |
metaSupplierId | string | Another identifier for the supplier (vendor) or the id in its origin data source (when it comes from an integration). | sup_Klo87N3 |
billId | string | Id of the bill linked to this payment. | 23587 |
metaBillId | string | Id of the bill linked to this payment in its origin data source (when it comes from an integration). | |
dataSourceId | string | Id of the data source (Manual Calqulate, or integrations). | 4779 |
orgId | string | Organization Id in which this payment belongs. | 718987154 |
createdAt | string | Date of creation of this entry in Calqulate's Database. | 2022-02-02T14:13:53.644Z |
updatedAt | string | Date of last update done on this entry in Calqulate's Database. | 2022-02-02T14:13:53.644Z |
deletedAt | string | Date of deletion of this entry from Calqulate's Database. | 2022-02-02T14:13:53.644Z |
Example Data
data: [
id: '2315638',
metaId: null,
date: '2022-01-27T22:00:00.000Z',
amount: '399.99',
currencyId: '3168',
metaCurrencyId: 'EUR',
accountId: '236874',
metaAccountId: null,
cac: false,
cacUpdated: false,
status: 'Paid',
description: null,
supplierId: '259841',
metaSupplierId: null,
billId: '23587',
metaBillId: null,
dataSourceId: '4779',
createdAt: '2022-02-02T14:13:53.644Z',
updatedAt: '2022-02-02T14:13:53.644Z',
Updated over 2 years ago