Revenue Growth % API

The Fetch MRR API outputs the Revenue Growth % KPI.

Data Model

For Chart Type Results

FieldTypeDescriptionExample Data
keydateLast day of the corresponding month in the requested interval2023-01-31
valuenumberMRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue) Growth Rate of the corresponding month-39.9679120474481

For Index Type Results

FieldTypeDescriptionExample Data
valuenumberMRR Growth Rate of the requested date-39.9679120474481

Is the above sufficient or are the below details also needed here? It appears to link more to the MRR Growth breakout chart with all its details.

"_tday": "2021-01-31",
"_mrr": 0,
"_forecast": false,
"_growth": 0,
"_growthperc": 0,
"_accountcount": 0,
"_netaccountcount": 0,
"_newcount": 0,
"_upcount": 0,
"_downcount": 0,
"_churncount": 0,
"_newtotal": 0,
"_uptotal": 0,
"_downtotal": 0,
"_churntotal": 0,
"_upperc": 0,
"_downperc": 0,
"_churnperc": 0,
"_net": 0,
"_netretention": 0,
"_monthlychurn": 0,
"_averagerevenuepernewaccount": 0,
"_averagerevenueperaccount": 0,
"_ltv": 0

What’s Next

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