Investor & Lender catalogue
The Investor & Lender catalogue provides a large database of investors and lenders that operate in North America and Europe. The catalogue offers a qualified list of investors and lenders that can be used for:
- financial data sharing with and between all parties listed in the catalogue. Startups and SMBs can share their financial data and fundraise with all investors and lenders listed in the catalogue.
- syndicate matchmaking with the projected fit score for each investor and lender. Financing opportunities can be shared between the parties.
Calqulate makes data sharing easy, reliable and more efficient.
Investor & Lender catalogue vs. My List
The Investor & Lender catalogue provides a large data set of investors and lenders operating in North America and Europe. The catalogue can be accessed by choosing INVESTORS & LENDERS > Catalogue in the left-hand menu.
In the the main page of the catalogue, basic data of the investor or lender is listed, such as:
- Name of the organization
- Type of the organization, such as "Investor" or "Lender"
- Subtype, such as "Angel Investor", "Venture Capital" or "Venture Debt"
- Operating Country
- Stage preferences of the organization, such as "Seed" or "Series B"
- Check size
- Vertical focus
The catalogue includes all investors and lenders in the Calqulate database, and you can select the investors and lenders in your own network to My list for syndicate matchmaking. Click the star icon in the column My list and the selected investors and lenders will be added to your list. You can access your investor and lender list via the left-hand menu INVESTORS & LENDERS > My list.
If you do not have any organizations added to My list, you can also Browse the catalogue and add investors and lenders to your list.
In case you are looking for a certain company (either in the catalogue our your list), you can use the magnifier glasses on the right side of the screen to search for a company.
If you go to My list, you can see a subset of the Investor & Lender catalogue with the organizations you have selected for your list. Adding an investor or a lender to your list enables the syndicate matchmaking for these, and you can see the Projected Fit Score individually for each each of the investors and lenders when reviewing opportunities in Calqulate.
If you want to remove a company from your list, simply click on the star again. It will then be removed from your list.
How to get more information about an organization
To find out more about an organization, simply click on the name of it (either in the Catalogue or in My list). You can then access more detailed information about the company, that is divided in three different categories:
- Organization details
- Investment preferences
- Contact details
Updated over 2 years ago