Tracking Categories

Tracking Categories are used to monitor cost centres and to perform profitability analysis for objects that sit outside the standard chart of accounts.


Tracking Categories can have other names in other applications

What Calqulate App calls Tracking Categories are referred to as Dimensions in Netvisor and Procountor, and Class Tracking in Quickbooks.

Data Model

FieldTypeDescriptionExample data
idstringUnique identifier for each category.38727
metaIdstringAnother identifier for this tracking category or the id of this category in the origin data source (when it comes from an integration).tc_Lo923C4
parentIdstringIf multiple records represent the same tracking category (coming from different data sources, for example), you can choose one category to represent all of them and call it a parent; then assign this Id as parentId to the other categories.3451
metaParentIdstringAnother identifier for the parent tracking category or the id in the origin data source (when it comes from an integration).cat_23KLo3
namestringCategory name.Marketing
statusstringCategory status. (Options: active, other statuses TBA).active
codestringCode that identifies or is attached to this tracking category.Ko9_13
descriptionstringTracking category description. Use this field to optionally store a long form explanation of the category for your own rendering purposes.Marketing
valuenumberTracking category value.500
cacbooleanIndicates whether this tracking category is included in the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) metricsfalse (not included)
true (included)
dataSourceIdstringId of the data source (Manual Calqulate, or integrations).4779
orgIdstringOrganization Id in which this category belongs.718987154
createdAtstringDate of creation of this entry in Calqulate's Database.2022-02-02T14:13:53.644Z
updatedAtstringDate of last update done on this entry in Calqulate's Database.2022-02-02T14:13:53.644Z
deletedAtstringDate of deletion of this entry from Calqulate's Database.2022-02-02T14:13:53.644Z