Sales Invoices
Sales invoice is a record of goods sold or services provided to a customer.
Data Model
Field | Type | Description | Example data |
id | string | Unique Identifier for each invoice. | 32004120 |
metaId | string | Another identifier for this invoice or the id of this invoice in its origin data source (when it comes from an integration). | in_1Kw73f2V34LN |
code | string | Unique code identifies the invoice (rather than using the random id field generated for each entry in our database) | 33-2102 |
externalCode | string | Invoice id from the source data. | 736-123 |
dueDate | string | Invoice due date. | 2022-02-02T14:13:53.644Z |
creationDate | string | Invoice creation date. | 2022-02-02T14:13:53.644Z |
customerId | string | Unique identifier for customer. | 609987152 |
metaCustomerId | string | Customer Id of this invoice in its origin data source (when it comes from an integration). | cus_KJX33C2 |
subscriptionId | string | Unique identifier for subscription. | 2368412 |
meta_subscriptionId | string | Subscription Id of this invoice in its origin data source (when it comes from an integration). | sub_825896410 |
currencyId | string | Currency Id of this invoice. | 3168 |
metaCurrencyId | string | Currency Id of this invoice in its origin data source (when it comes from an integration). | EUR |
credit | boolean | Indicates whether this invoice is credit or not. | false (not credit) true (credit) |
creditedInvoiceId | string | Invoice id if credited invoice. | 8639120 |
metaCreditedInvoiceId | string | Another identifier for the credited invoice or its id in its origin data source (when it comes from an integration). | in_D2kml1LN |
discount | number | Discount amount on the invoice. | 10 |
discountType | string | Discount type. Options: “percentage”, “amount”. | percentage |
total | string | Invoice total amount. | 350 |
billingReason | string | Indicates the reason why the invoice was created. | Monthly subscription invoice |
url | string | The URL for the hosted invoice page, which allows customers to view and pay an invoice. If the invoice has not been finalized yet, this will be null. | |
dataSourceId | string | Id of the data source (Manual Calqulate, or integrations). | 4779 |
orgId | string | Organization Id in which this invoice belongs. | 718987154 |
createdAt | string | Date of creation of this entry in Calqulate's Database. | 2022-02-02T14:13:53.644Z |
updatedAt | string | Date of last update done on this entry in Calqulate's Database. | 2022-02-02T14:13:53.644Z |
deletedAt | string | Date of deletion of this entry from Calqulate's Database. | 2022-02-02T14:13:53.644Z |
Updated about 2 years ago
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