Sales Invoices

Sales invoice is a record of goods sold or services provided to a customer.

Data Model

FieldTypeDescriptionExample data
id stringUnique Identifier for each invoice.32004120
metaIdstringAnother identifier for this invoice or the id of this invoice in its origin data source (when it comes from an integration).in_1Kw73f2V34LN
codestringUnique code identifies the invoice (rather than using the random id field generated for each entry in our database)33-2102
externalCodestringInvoice id from the source data.736-123
dueDatestringInvoice due date.2022-02-02T14:13:53.644Z
creationDatestringInvoice creation date.2022-02-02T14:13:53.644Z
customerIdstringUnique identifier for customer.609987152
metaCustomerIdstringCustomer Id of this invoice in its origin data source (when it comes from an integration).cus_KJX33C2
subscriptionIdstringUnique identifier for subscription.2368412
meta_subscriptionIdstringSubscription Id of this invoice in its origin data source (when it comes from an integration).sub_825896410
currencyIdstringCurrency Id of this invoice.3168
metaCurrencyIdstringCurrency Id of this invoice in its origin data source (when it comes from an integration).EUR
creditbooleanIndicates whether this invoice is credit or not.false (not credit)
true (credit)
creditedInvoiceIdstringInvoice id if credited invoice.8639120
metaCreditedInvoiceIdstringAnother identifier for the credited invoice or its id in its origin data source (when it comes from an integration).in_D2kml1LN
discountnumberDiscount amount on the invoice.10
discountTypestringDiscount type. Options: “percentage”, “amount”.percentage
totalstringInvoice total amount.350
billingReasonstringIndicates the reason why the invoice was created.Monthly subscription invoice
urlstringThe URL for the hosted invoice page, which allows customers to view and pay an invoice.

If the invoice has not been finalized yet, this will be null.
dataSourceIdstringId of the data source (Manual Calqulate, or integrations).4779
orgIdstringOrganization Id in which this invoice belongs.718987154
createdAtstringDate of creation of this entry in Calqulate's Database.2022-02-02T14:13:53.644Z
updatedAtstringDate of last update done on this entry in Calqulate's Database.2022-02-02T14:13:53.644Z
deletedAtstringDate of deletion of this entry from Calqulate's Database.2022-02-02T14:13:53.644Z

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