Product Tax

Goods and Services Tax (GST) (also known as the Value Added Tax (VAT) on goods or services.

Data Model

FieldTypeDescriptionExample data
idstringUnique identifier for each product.409364895
metaIdstringAnother identifier of this product or the id in its origin data source (when it comes from an integration).prod_3402
tax_typestringTax category. Options: "None", "vat", "sales"vat
tax_regionstringTax country. 246
tax_ratenumberTax rate (percentage)10
rateIsInclusivebooleanIndicates whether the tax is included or not in the product pricing. false (not included)
true (included)
createdAtstring Date of creation of this entry in Calqulate's Database.2022-02-02T14:13:53.644Z
updatedAtstringDate of last update done on this entry in Calqulate's Database.2022-02-02T14:13:53.644Z
deletedAtstringDate of deletion of this entry in Calqulate's Database.2022-02-02T14:13:53.644Z

Q: How does the tax data model relate to taxId and metaTaxId here?

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