Importing your Staff Costs from Procountor

Financial Reporting

In Calqulate, Staff Costs is the place to record your employee salaries and link them to your CAC. This article will show you how to import employee salaries from your payroll in Procountor, which are automatically linked to your Expenses, Cashflow Forecast and Profit & Loss in Calqulate.

Configuring staff costs settings in Calqulate for Procountor

Go to the left-hand menu and click on your account Settings > Integrations.


In the Integrations tab, you can see your Procountor integration. To import your Staff Costs click Manage.


Calqulate imports your chart of accounts from Procountor. There are accounting journals for each employee and their salary information which needs to be mapped as follows:

Gross Salaries

5000Normal wages during working hoursTyössäoloajan normaalipalkat
5100Additional payments and compensationsLisät ja korvaukset
5300Holiday pay and social security paymentsLoma-ajan ja sosiaalipalkat
5400Fringe benefitsLuontoisedut
5470Received compensations for wages and salariesSaadut korvaukset palkoista
5600Management salaries and feesJohdon palkat ja palkkiot
5700Fringe benefits of managementJohdon luontoisedut
5770Received compensations for management wages and salariesSaadut korvaukset johdon palkoista
5800Salaries and fees of shareholders and relativesOsakkaiden ja omaisten palkat ja palkkiot
5900Fringe benefits, shareholders/relativesOsakkaiden ja omaisten luontoisedut
5960Received compensations for salaries, shareholders/relativesSaadut korvaukset osakkaiden ja omaisten palkoista

Employee Social charges

6000Paid pensionsMaksetut eläkkeet
6100Pension insurances fees, YELEläkevakuutusmaksut
6290Accrual during accounting periodTilikauden aikainen jaksotus
6300Social security paymentsSosiaaliturvamaksut
6400Obligatory insurance feesPakolliset vakuutusmaksut
6500Other insurance fees of personnelMuut henkilöstön vakuutusmaksut

Employer Social charges

6000Paid PensionsMaksetut eläkkeet
6100Pension insurance fees, YELEläkevakuutusmaksut
6290Accrual during accounting periodTilikauden aikainen jaksotus
6300Social security paymentsSosiaaliturvamaksut
6400Obligatory insurance feesPakolliset vakuutusmaksut
6500Other insurance fees of personnelMuut henkilöstön vakuutusmaksut


2920Pay as you earn (PAYE) liabilitiesEnnakonpidätys- ja stm-velka

Net Salaries

2950Accrued salary expensesPalkkojen siirtovelat

In the same window, select the dates for the Integration settings for Staff costs. This date indicates how far in the past you wish Calqulate to import the employee and salary information from Procountor.

Select the dates for the Integration settings for Customer and Subscription data. This date indicates how far in the past you wish Calqulate to import the customer and subscription data from Procountor. Whilst this is not directly related to staff costs, it is a good time to set this up now.

Continue by clicking Save.


Note: Your employees’ salaries will be imported from Procountor on the next sync. Your Procountor data source updates every hour on the hour in Calqulate. To see when your data source was last refreshed, go to Settings > Integrations


Creating new departments in Staff Costs

Calqulate imports the employees’ names and salary information and automatically moves them into a department called Default. The following steps are to create the necessary departments for your team and edit each employee to move them to their department.

💡 Calqulate Tip: Your staff costs are usually the biggest single item in your CAC. That’s why you need to set up and analyse your staff costs by country, department, and employee.

Go to the left-hand menu and click on FINANCIAL REPORTING > Staff Costs. Click New Department and a new window appears.


Complete the three mandatory fields, which can also be edited later, and click Save.


The new department, e.g. Sales, appears in a new line in the staff cost table. Repeat the process until you have added all of your companies departments.


Editing an employee to move them to their department

In this example, we’ll edit employee Sarah Jones, who is part of the Sales department.

Click the Action menu icon next to Sarah’s name and choose Edit employee.


On this sheet, you can see Sarah Jones' salary information. Click Edit on the top ride side of the page.


Fill in the employee’s Country, Department, and Job title (optional). You can also change this information later on. Click Save.


The employee's information is now updated. Sarah's actual salary information is imported from Procountor and visible in Calqulate. Continue doing this with all of your employees until no one is assigned to Default anymore.

Note: You can see your employee's salary information in Calqulate. These rows must not be edited in Calqulate but in Procoutnor. Otherwise, there will be a lack of data between Calqualte and Procuontor. However, it is possible to adjust CAC and FTE since those do not affect Procuontors payments.


Assigning CAC% for a monthly employee salary

Next, enter the CAC% for each month. This is the percentage of Sarah’s salary that will be included in the CAC calculations in Calqulate.

💡 Calqulate Tip: The salaries of sales and marketing staff are often 100% allocated to CAC. You should most likely assign part of your CEO’s and COO’s salaries to CAC as well. Read more about staff costs and building a CAC formula.


Note: You can delete the Default department after you remove or reassign its employees to other departments. If you add a new employee to your Payroll in Procountor, they will be imported into a new Default department in Calqulate.