Data Sources in Calqulate API
It is important to understand what are Calqulate API data sources before starting to use the API connections.
What is a Data Source?
Data Source is an indicator to where the data comes from. In Calqulate, we give the option to collect data from different resources. So, in order to track the data sources, we attach a data source identifier with every record created or synchronized.
A Data Source can have multiple types (default, accounting, CRM, marketing, payroll, ecommerce, expenses, banking, subscriptions and csv). Also, they are categorized as either a Manual or Integration (non-manual) Data Source.
What is a manual data source?
When you start using Calqulate App and create your organisation, we create for you a manual data source which becomes your default one. This is named as "Calqulate" in the API responses.
We are planning to give our users the ability to create multiple manual data sources.
Use only the default manual data source when creating records through Calqulate API.
What is an integration data source?
When an integration link is created in Calqulate App (for example, an accounting software, a subscription software), those integrations have each their own integration data source. The data from integration data sources is fetched to Calqulate on a regular interval, for example hourly. Calqulate App does not update data with an integration data source, it only fetches data from the integration data sources.
Do not use integration data sources when creating records through Calqulate API.
Why I cannot edit the data fetched from an integration data source?
It is essential to understand that if manual changes are made to data from integration data source through Calqulate API, those changes affect only Calqulate App. The next time the syncing process starts fetching data from that data source, it will overwrite the manual updates you make through Calqulate API. Which means that the changes made are lost unless made directly in the integration data source.
Data received from integrations cannot be edited in Calqulate. Always edit the data source directly if needed.
Can the API give access to data that I do not want to share?
The Calqulate API has a built-in permission system and data granularity so that no data that is not supposed to be shared is shared. For example: a company's employee's personal details are not shared with stakeholder users.
Calqulate API makes sure your data is both accurate and safe.
Updated about 2 years ago